[Ebay Deals] ***Custom Commander Deck*** Yarok the Desecrated - Landfa…
[이베이 핫딜]
2020.08.26 11:00
▶ $59.85
2020-08-26일 기준 약( 59 원 )
최대 1.5% 캐시백
[Ebay Deals] ***Custom Commander Deck*** Yarok the Desecrated - Landfall - EDH Mtg Magic Card ▶ 해당 상품 바로 가기 ◀
[이베이 핫딜] ▶ 해당 상품 바로 가기 ◀
핫딜 종료 일자 : 2020-09-01일 까지
for the good cards in a 100 singleton card deck. I think it also goes against what's most interesting about magic, which is managing chance by building a deck with certain constraints...
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play Commander (EDH) these days, because I don't like the money-sink aspect and Netrunner... spell-card, nothing in your deck can have any mana casting cost aside from those on your...
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